Friday, February 21, 2014

Scooping out!

This morning I decided to finally cut up a squash that had been sitting on my counter for a couple of weeks. It was a yellow squash and it is suppose to have a very long "shelf life". But after my experience with cutting it up and scrapping out the seeds and strings ...I decided that like us... it has an expiration date too.

When I finally reached the insides my aging squash...It was full of seeds and and tough old stings that did not want to be separated from its body. I dug away and scooped and scooped and dug...but nothing seemed to work...short of surgically removing them with scissors and a knife.

That is how our sin can be...becoming so attached only by the grace of God can it be removed.And what is even more frightening is we often don't even notice how deeply embedded sin is....why...because we have let it grow and grow to the point we don't often recognize it as sin. Do we isn't hurting anyone... one knows.


Because the one who loves you more then anyone on this earth...The one who promises you eternal life in His Kingdom...


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