Friday, April 4, 2014


She was at a cross roads in her life,
Or was it a dead end?
God had called
Her out
From the Ministries she so loved.
In essence she was stepping away from the
Avenues she needed as a new Christian.
They had been her life raft as she leaned into God’s word.
Now was God really asking her to go alone?
To step outside these walls into the world and for what
She did not know.
She only knew that her faith and trust was in God.
To say she wasn’t fearful would be to lie
To say she believed she could go it alone
Another lie.
As the day drew near for her to step away
She clung to these words;
“Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate 
on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written it . Then you will be prosperous and successful.”  Joshua 1:8
She would be girded with God’s words
She knew if she read them, feasted on them each day they would be her strength.
But here is the second half of this scenario
What would He ask her to do? And what if she couldn’t, or didn’t know how
What if she failed him?
She didn’t want success
She wanted to “matter” for Him
To share
The hidden treasures found in the glory of a relationship with Him.
The unsustainable joy and peace He could give to those who desperately needed Him.
Those who had lived in the darkness so long
where she had lived so long.
But how?
And What?
She knew what; it had been on her heart for so long.
Too long.
But she was afraid to admit it to herself or to her friends
She was fearful to even say it out loud.
She had avoided it, filled her days and hours and years with
“things” that did not fill her.
And worse, she was not obedient to God
Because she knew she had been ignoring the true gift
He had given her.
He was calling her, calling her to use those gifts.
Would she take up the mantle, the challenge,
Would she be obedient,
True Him?
Joshua 1:9
“This is my command-be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

That chapter has not yet been written and only God knows
The answer.


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